HuaweiE180Movistar AlcatelX060SSIMIO HuaweiE160Ono TaiwanHuaweiE156G»·¶Ç HuaweiE1550»·¶Ç HuaweiE176G»·¶Ç HuaweiE180¥xô¤j BandLuxeC120¥xô¤j ZTEMF626Vibo HuaweiE156GCHT HuaweiE1550CHT HuaweiE176GCHT ...
ISP/Modem: Movistar Fiber 1Gig Symmetric / Askey RTF8115VW Router: ASUS RT-AX86U Zaku II Edition (RMerlin's/Diversion/Skynet/scMerlin/spdMerlin) NAS: TS-251+ 16GB v5.1.0.XXXX Reactions: QuikSilver, amplatfus, Blackfyre and 1 other person Ripshod Very Senior Member Dec 3...
Many wireless carriers around the world offer some sort of international coverage in Peru. For many, this is the simplest solution to staying connected while traveling. However, depending on your provider, this can be expensive. As an alternative, mostcell phone companies in Peru, likeClaroandMo...
Movistar Telefonica O2 Ireland Telefonica Peru Telefonica Spain Telekom Srpske Telenet Belgium Telenor Denmark Telenor Group Telenor Hungary Telenor Montenegro Telenor Norway Telenor Sweden Telesis TeliaSonera TeliaSonera Norway TeliaSonera Sweden Telkom Mobile (8ta) Telkomsel ...
Movistar Myanmar P & T NBN Co. NEC NITA NOKIA NSN NTT DoCoMo National and Kapodistrian University ofAthens Nawras Ncell Neo-Sky Neotel Nepal Telecom NetGear Netronome NewNet Nexius Node-H Nomadix Nomor Research NorthwestCell Nova...
哥斯達黎加 薩爾瓦多 危地馬拉 洪都拉斯 墨西哥 尼加拉瓜 巴拿馬 阿富汗 亞塞拜疆 巴林 伊朗 伊拉克 以色列 科威特 阿曼 巴勒斯坦 沙特阿拉伯 也門 斐濟 諾魯 湯加王國 瓦努阿圖 Roaming partners 漫遊合作夥伴 AMX (Claro Argentina) Movistar Argentina~ Claro Brasil Vivo Entel PCS~ Telefonica~ Movil Conecel~ OTECEL...