1) 独立基本服务集(Independent BSS, IBSS)网络(也叫 ad-hoc 网络),P2P点对点网络 2) 基本服务集(Basic Service Set, BSS)网络,一对多网络 3) 扩展服务集(Extent Service Set, ESS)网络,多对多网络 工作模式 查看一张无线网卡支持的哪些接口模式 # iw list | grep -A 8 "Supported interface modes" # S...
ChannelInfoList プロパティ リファレンス フィードバック 定義 名前空間: Android.Net.Wifi.Aware アセンブリ: Mono.Android.dll C# コピー public System.Collections.Generic.IList<Android.Net.Wifi.Aware.WifiAwareChannelInfo> ChannelInfoList { [Android.Runtime.Register("getChannelInfoList"...
WDI_TLV_CHANNEL_LIST è un TLV che contiene uno o più numeri di canale. Tipo TLV 0x4 Length Dimensioni (in byte) della matrice di struttureWDI_CHANNEL_MAPPING_ENTRY. La matrice deve contenere 1 o più strutture. Valori TipoDescrizione ...
<Huawei> system-view [Huawei] wlan ac [Huawei-wlan-view] ap-id 0 [Huawei-wlan-ap-0] radio 0 [Huawei-wlan-radio-0/0] channel 20mhz 6 // Switch the AP's 2.4 GHz channel. <Huawei> system-view [Huawei] wlan ac [Huawei-wlan-view] ap-id 0 [Huawei-wlan-ap-0] radio 1 [...
propertyDescription name = System.Devices.WiFiDirect.SupportedChannelList shellPKey = PKEY_Devices_WiFiDirect_SupportedChannelList formatID = 1506935D-E3E7-450F-8637-82233EBE5F6E propID = 11 SearchInfo InInvertedIndex = false IsColumn = false typeInfo type = Buffer IsInnate = true 备注...
WDI_TLV_BAND_CHANNEL_LIST是包含一个或多个通道号的 TLV。TLV 类型0x16ELengthWDI_CHANNEL_MAPPING_ENTRY 结构数组) 的大小 (字节 数。 数组必须包含 1 个或多个结构。值展开表 类型说明 WDI_CHANNEL_MAPPING_ENTRY[] 通道映射条目的数组。要求展开表 要求值 最低受支持的客户端 Windows 11 最低受支持的...
That means examining on which channels the networks transmit and ensuring that your own wireless router transmits on a channel with as little traffic as possible. Also, NetSpot can create an easy-to-understand visual map of your wireless network, highlighting where the signal is the weakest and...
5.8GHz Channel:149,153,157,161,165 Wireless security WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK/WPA3-SAE encryption, wireless access control (black and white list), SSID hidden, Smart anti-scratch Management application Support Web, Android, iOS Workingenvironment
5GHz Channel:36,40,44,48,52,56,60,64,149,153,157,161,165 Modulation mode 11b: DSSS: DBPSK(1Mbps) DQPSK (2Mbps) CCK (5,5/11Mbps)11a/g: OFDM: BPSK (6/9Mbps) QPSK (12/18Mbps) 16QAM(24/36Mbps) 64QAM(48/54Mbps).11n: MIMO-OFDM:BPSK,QPSK,16QAM,64QAM. Rate set: MCS0 ~ MCS...
Detect AP channel AP channel on which a non-Wi-Fi device is detected. Non-Wi-Fi device type Type of the detected non-Wi-Fi device. Non-Wi-Fi device name Name of the non-Wi-Fi device. Non-Wi-Fi device frequency type Frequency type of the non-Wi-Fi device. Non-Wi-Fi device ...