instead of Amitabh Bachchan and Rajesh Khanna. However, when Hrishikesh Mukherjee visited Kishore Kumar’s house, he was shooed away by Kumar’s watchman. Actually, Kishore Kumar, who was not paid by a Bengali organizer for a stage show had instructed his watchman to shoo away...
From the list of many of his compositions, his favourite is ‘Ali Maula‘ from the film “Kurbaan.”His surname was earlier Molddina, but when his uncle moved to Australia, Sulaiman changed it to Merchant.Salim Merchant Height, Weight, Age, Biography, Wife & More Kumar Sanu (Singer) ...
E Santhosh Kumar wins Federal Bank Literary Award Kerala’s visionary leap: Redefining tourism and connectivity From story thread to unknown sequels;TD Ramakrishnan and Benyamin on story telling Words of wisdom through storytelling by Prakash Raj ‘Cinema is not to change the world;but to act as...