Part of the book series: Palgrave Studies in Nineteenth-Century Writing and Culture ((PNWC)) 4044 Accesses Abstract This chapter traces representations of male and female prosthesis users in the marriage plot, the nineteenth-century narrative form most heavily populated by users of prosthetic devices...
Along the way, the Sheridans encounter a cast of historical figures such as Charles Rolls and Henry Royce (of Rolls Royce fame), and readers get a snapshot of Victorian England coming to grips with a changing world. Related: 11 Cozy Mysteries Set in Bookstores Amazon Apple Books Barnes ...
Michael planned to call Dunan to explain, but before he had the chance to do that, he started receiving Facebook messages from Shohag Chandra, the charity's Bangladesh-based program manager, thanking him for his generous donation. After he looked through the photos of people holding thank you ...
Years later, I was unpacking boxes in the dusty attic of one of our former houses, and came across a Xerox box of my mom’s things. In it I found a letter to her older brother, who shares a name with my dad. Initially, I thought the letter was meant for my dad, so I mistook ...
Maybe someone will want to publish a book calledThe Midlife Second Wife. This way you’ll get in on the ground floor. Thank you for being along for the ride from the beginning, way back in 2011 when I started this blog in Richmond, Virginia, and through all points in between. It’s...
SURELY a book entitled How To Be A Well Dressed Wife has no place in the lives of modern women? Written in 1959 and reprinted this year by celebrated U.S. fashion designer Anne Fogarty -- who died in 1980, aged 61 -- the iconic book, harks back to an era of hats, gloves and ...
site and send me a note via the Contact tab at the top navigation bar. If you send me your current email address, I will add you to the distribution list for updates concerning my book and other writing news and pursuits. I have two other books in the works, actually. And who knows...
Facebook Pinterest Twitter Email LinkedIn Pocket Reddit Love your laundry room In the ’50s, thelove you had for your kitchenpaled only in comparison to the adoration you felt for your washer and dryer. (Don’t missHow to be a perfect fifties housewife: In the kitchen!) ...
Alice Through the Looking GlassAlienAlien AbductionAlien AutopsyAlien TrespassAlien vs. PredatorAlien: CovenantAlien: ResurrectionAlien³AliensAliens In the Attic (aka: They Came From Upstairs)Aliens Of The DeepAliens vs. Predator: RequiemAlita: Battle AngelAll About EveAll About My MotherAll About...
To find a quiet place to study,bruce had to seclude himself in the attic. Before the Revolutionary War, an underground organization,know as the Sons of Liberty, uased to hold clandestine meetings Boston. A good education will elp you discover and develop your latent talents. The burglar must...