As men, we are called to lead in our marriage. Although every marriage relationship looks a little different, men need to be the ones to lead their family by example, in encouragement, and in prayer. Find the time of day that works best for you. This could look different ...
I leave you with this. I hope you have found through my transparency a nugget of commonality that somehow may enrich your life and be encouragement to keep moving forward to seek God’s plan – no matter where you may be in life. I fail daily and reguarly borrow a line from another f...
1. Receive Encouragement from God’s Word and Others “You are doing a great job” goes a long way. When life continually becomes full, receiving encouragement or affirmation helps to uplift and strengthen me. My first source of encouragement is God’s word. Reading and meditating on God’s...
Thank you for stopping by! I’m so glad you’re here! I’m Sarah, and my prayer is that you find the hope and encouragement you need within these pages. To learn a bit more about me, clickHERE. Search for:Search Stay in touch! Subscribe to my emails!
Over there at my new home, I’m sharing social media tips, resources, and encouragement for creative entrepreneurs. Today on the blog, I’m featuring former Dreamer in the Spotlight, PJ Anderson. He is releasing his new album, Mercy, Mercy today. Please click on over to read a review ...
A special thanks to our family who made this trip possible. Thanks for loving on our kids and hosting Cousin Camp. Thanks for flying us out to the PNW and showing us the ropes. Thanks for the support and encouragement we need to keep making this thing called marriage work. ...
…Words of encouragement, words of love, words of appreciation, even words that start interesting discussions where we disagree. I love words. –Wanda 18- Say ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ 19- Always defend her and stand up for her
My dear readers, whether you’re an exhausted parent or an overwhelmed college student or a struggling Christian, or simply a human living day to day, I hope you can find encouragement in knowing that life happens in layers. Share this: Facebook Email Print Loading... Posted in Personal...
is that I am so quick to give love, acceptance, safety, and encouragement to everyone… but myself. Throughout the last two years of school and personal work (ya’ll – GO TO THERAPY. *end rant*) I discovered that somewhere early on in life my brain correlated the idea that ...
For your own sake as well as theirs; we all need encouragement and we all need to know that none of us are in this alone. We are all members of the body of Christ and we need to remember that we all need each other. Thankfully, the Word of God gives us plenty of instruction for...