Tailwind Min-Width Classes ClassProperties min-w-0min-width: 0px; min-w-fullmin-width: 100%; min-w-minmin-width: min-content; min-w-maxmin-width: max-content; min-w-fitmin-width: fit-content; If the content is bigger than the minimum width, the min-width property has no impact. ...
If you need to use a one-offwidthvalue that doesn’t make sense to include in your theme, use square brackets to generate a property on the fly using any arbitrary value. <!-- ... --> Learn more about arbitrary value support in thearbitrary valuesdocumentation. On this page Quick refer...
tailwind.config.js module.exports={theme:{extend:{maxWidth:{'lg':'30rem',}}} Arbitrary values If you need to use a one-offmax-widthvalue that doesn’t make sense to include in your theme, use square brackets to generate a property on the fly using any arbitrary value. <...
BUT, from the v3 docs, "…If you need to use a one-off max-width value that doesn’t make sense to include in your theme, use square brackets to generate a property on the fly using any arbitrary value…" <!-- ... --> Share Improve this answer Follow answered Mar 24,...
To adjust a button's width to fit the text, set the `width` CSS property on the button to `fit-content`.
I've been dabbling in design as a matter of necessity for a few years, but I'm frankly intermediate on a good day with a tailwind, so I'd like to solicit some advice using a rather general and simple example if I might. We have an affiliate marketing database we're designing to ...
inoascommentedDec 22, 2016 @tabatkinsso on the constructive side: What would take precedence if width/height and new-property are set and values are conflicting? What are the functional benefits? Sorry, something went wrong. Copy link
Tailwind already provides a .h-auto utility, so maybe if you need to set that property it would be better to use .h-auto instead of adding it by default to the img tag? Just in case it wasn’t clear, this is not even caused byheight: auto. It’s just making the problem more ap...
There is a property in the @Component() annotation called encapsulation which can be used to turn off the view encapsulation for the component instead of using ::ng-deep. Solution for the deprecation of ::ng-deep: @Component({ selector: 'app-selector-name', template: `Hello World!`, en...
Moreover, Tailwind also provides a minimum and maximum width limit to an element. By doing this, Tailwind will not let the width of the element increase or decrease from the applied width limits. This article will explain the method for using the maximum width property in Tailwind. ...