The table will table on the width of the page and will ignore the fact there is a margin, try using a smaller percentage. If you want in indent on the left then you can align the table to the right and give a percentage that way. Sucks... Eric Mike Curwen Ranch Hand Posts: 3695...
Here is an example of adding a width to a div element in percentage values:Open Compiler div { border: 1px solid black; margin-bottom: 5px; } div.a { width: 120%; background-color: yellow; } div.b { width: 20%; background-color: rgb(236, 190, 190); } This div ele...
比如child 设置 height / max-height: 50% 那么 parent 的 height 就不可以是 auto, max-height percentage 是 depend on parent height 而不是 max-height 哦 参考:stackoverflow – Percentage Height HTML 5/CSS 这也是最常踩的坑了. 有时候不得不 wrapper 一层的时候要特别小心, 有时也可以把 percentage...
Hi, I still don't quite fully understand how to handle mixing border/margin pixel width with percentage width. In the example below, I want to place side-by-side two DIV boxes inside a box. 1. Each box takes up 50% of the parent. 2. One of the box has
When using percentage (%) for width, authors must be aware that the percentage is based on the element’s parent, or in other words, the width of the containing block. If your parent is set at 480px – as demonstrated by our demo – then the percentage is based on that value. So ...
This doesn't apply to length and percentage values.In addition, all CSS properties also accept the following CSS-wide keyword values as the sole component of their property value: initial Represents the value specified as the property's initial value. inherit Represents the computed value of the...
Currently you can only either specify the width and height in terms of absolute number of pixels or min/max. CSS supports height/width specified as a percentage of the space in its container. It would be nice if there was some way to use this through layout parameters. Not sure what the...
In this CSS width example, we have set the tag to a width of 175em. Using Percentage Let's look at a CSS width example where we have provided the width as a percentage. div { width: 90% } In this CSS width example, we have set the width of the to 90%. Using auto Let's ...
In this CSS min-width example, the width of the tag can not become smaller than 75em. Using Percentage Let's look at a CSS min-width example where we have provided the min-width as a percentage. div{min-width:50%} In this CSS min-width example, the width of the can not become...
percentage 整数,后跟百分号 (%)。此值无论是否显式指定,均为占父对象宽度的百分比。不允许为负值。 width 浮点数,后跟绝对单位指示符(cm、mm、in、pt或pc)或相对单位指示符(em、ex或px)。 有关支持的长度单位的详细信息,请参阅长度单位参考。 该属性的默认值为auto。该属性不会被继承。