width: 100%; w-screen width: 100vw; w-dvw width: 100dvw; w-dvh width: 100dvh; w-lvw width: 100lvw; w-lvh width: 100lvh; w-svw width: 100svw; w-svh width: 100svh; w-min width: min-content; w-max width: max-content; ...
w-7/12 width: 58.333333%; w-8/12 width: 66.666667%; w-9/12 width: 75%; w-10/12 width: 83.333333%; w-11/12 width: 91.666667%; w-full width: 100%; w-screen width: 100vw; w-min width: min-content; w-max width: max-content; Windframe Tailwind blocks landing page ...
w-screen width: 100vw; w-min width: min-content; w-max width: max-content; w-fit width: fit-content; How to apply Tailwind CSS Width Using Tailwind width is straightforward. Simply add the desired width class to your HTML element, and Tailwind will take care of the rest. htmlCopy ...
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{ + max-width: 80vw; + width: 100%; + } + .feature.large { + grid-column: span 1; + } + .features { + grid-template-columns: 1fr; + grid-gap: 3em; + justify-items: center; + } + .feature h3 { + font-size: 28px; + font-size: min(28px, max(4vw, 22px)...
JIT模式是Tailwind v3中的默认模式,这些值称为任意值。在v2中,必须启用JIT模式。 为什么当我使用width:100%时,我的包装盒不适合所有屏幕? 这是因为您的包装类正在“100%”获取其父容器body。您将主体设置为min-width为1400px,这意味着它不会扩展到超过1400px,除非其内容超过该宽度。因此,包装器子类只会占用其...
doctype html>
min-width: 100vw; min-w-dvw min-width: 100dvw; min-w-dvh min-width: 100dvh; min-w-lvw min-width: 100lvw; min-w-lvh min-width: 100lvh; min-w-svw min-width: 100svw; min-w-svh min-width: 100svh; min-w-min min-width: min-content; ...
.w-fullwidth: 100%; .w-screenwidth: 100vw; Auto Use.w-autoto let the browser calculate and select the width for the element. .w-auto on block element .w-auto on inline-block element Screen Width Use.w-screento make an element span the entire width of the viewport...
max-width: 100svh; max-w-screen max-width: 100vw; max-w-min max-width: min-content; max-w-max max-width: max-content; max-w-fit max-width: fit-content; container width: 100%; @media (width >= 40rem) { max-width: 40rem; } @media (width >= 48rem) { max-width: 48rem;...