From the change in resonance frequency and the quality of the resonance circuit, caused by the torch discharge burning on this circuit, one can determine the parallel equivalent resistanceRpand the capacityCpof the torch discharge.A.Tálsk
Book TitleDas Widerstands- und Ultraschallschweißen als Verfahren zum Verbinden kleinster Bauelemente in der Elektrotechnik AuthorsFriedrich Eichhorn, Günter Wichelhaus Series TitleForschungsberichte des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen DOI ...
physik.Chem.NeueFolge78(1972)108.2G.WedlerundM.Fouad,Z.physik.Chem.NeueFolge40(1964)12.3W.M.H.SachtlerundG.J.H.Dorgelo,Z.physik.Chem.NeueFolge25(1960)69.4P.Wissmann,Z.physik.Chem.NeueFolge71(1970)294. Published Online: 2011-08-30 Published in Print: 1975-09 © Akademische Verlags...
Closing volume (CV) measured by bolus technique agrees very good in the range of flows between 600 and 900 ml/s with the RbC. At higher flows CV is flow dependend. This flow dependency might be due to asynchronous empting of the dependend and independend lung regious. Also the flow ...
In another embodiment, one of the transformers is replaced by a pair of spaced apart welding electrodes which are connected by a conductor. Means are provided for supplying welding pressure to the transformers to move them with their associated welding electrodes during a weld sequence. A high ...
The results are discussed in connection with theoretical considerations of Mott .doi:10.1007/BF01375400Hermann Joh BauerSpringer-VerlagZeitschrift Für Physik
Physik der Halbleiter. Halbleiterprobleme in Referaten des Halbleiterausschusses des Verbandes Deutscher Physikalischer Gesellschaften, Heidelberg 1957. Seith-Ruthardt, Chemische Spektralanalyse. Infrared Absorption Spectra Readers are also interested in: Article December 6, 2024 Probing structural, surfac...
Bross, "Elektronentheoretische Untersuchungen uber Fehlstellen in Metallen, II," Z. Phys. 145 (1956), 161-183.A. Seeger, H. Bross : Elektronentheoretische Untersuchungen uber Fehlstellen in Metallen; IX. Der elektrische Widerstand von Stufenversetzungen Z. Naturf. 15a, Nr. 8 S. 663 (1960...
Investigations are at present carried out in order to study further structural properties of the Platinum–Coal systems.doi:10.1002/zaac.19603030304Claude S. NicolauBerlin-Buch, Institut für Medizin und Biologie der Deutschen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, Arbeitsbereich Angewandte Isotopen...
In both cases singularities which arise in the Born approximation are removed by t -matrix approximations.doi:10.1007/BF01379852Eike BangertSpringer Berlin HeidelbergZeitschrift für Physik A Hadrons and nucleiE. Bangert: Z. Physik 215 , 177, 192 (1968) View Article...