Column graph with baseline.xls (49.5 KB, 15 views) Download Register To Reply 07-01-2012, 10:50 PM #2 NickyC Forum Expert Join Date 06-09-2010 Location Australia MS-Off Ver Excel 2013 Posts 1,714 Re: How to get Excel chart to ignore zero values, ...
Hi, how do I widen the columns in a clustered column chart? I see this has been answered before but, as Power BI changes every second week, it no longer seems that those solutions work. Under "Columns" there seems to only be the "Color" option now and not "Spacing". Thanks...
VBA / Excel / Access / Word Excel Range Format Widen first column to display text Sub RigidFormattingProcedure() ActiveSheet.Range("A:A").EntireColumn.AutoFit End Sub Related examples in the same category 1. Format current region 2. The Font property 3. Use the Range and Cells ...
So, to be sure - you have something like this position cursor between E and F (crest shall appear), double click and nothing happens? SergeiBaklanyes nothing happens. I attached the Excel sheet with my earlier message. Thanks, Sam
Hi, how do I widen the columns in a clustered column chart? I see this has been answered before but, as Power BI changes every second week, it no longer seems that those solutions work. Under "Columns" there seems to only be the "Color" option now and not "Spacing". Thanks Blackwood...
Hi, how do I widen the columns in a clustered column chart? I see this has been answered before but, as Power BI changes every second week, it no longer seems that those solutions work. Under "Columns" there seems to only be the "Color" option now and not "Spacing". Thanks Blackwood...