wide input rangetransient enhancement loopexternal capacitor-less LDOLOW-DROPOUT REGULATORVOLTAGE REGULATORA high voltage, external capacitor-less low-dropout regulator (HVLDO) with transient enhancement loop is presented in this work. The proposed HVLDO is designed with high withstand voltage laterally ...
Data Sheet Wide Range Input, Dual/Two-Phase, DC-to-DC Synchronous Buck Controller ADP1850 FEATURES Wide range input: 2.75 V to 20 V Power stage input voltage: 1 V to 20 V Output voltage range: 0.6 V up to 90% VIN Output current to more than 25 A per channel Accurate current ...
Wide range input(85-265 VAC) with Active Power Factor correction rides through input transients easily. digikey.be digikey.be 宽输入范围 (85-265 VAC),具有有源功率系数校正功能,能够轻松越过输入瞬态。 digikey.cn digikey.cn The SLM offers
A low dropout (LDO) regulator operates in wide input range. The LDO includes an N-type pass transistor and a P-type pass transistor for supplying power to the output terminal. The P-type pass transistor is connected with N-type pass transistor in parallel. Two error amplifiers control the ...
主营商品:禾芯微、锐骏半导体、微盟、裕芯电子、DC-DC升压、DC-DC降压、LDO稳压、AC-DC、运算放大器、存储器、锂电充电管理、锂电保护IC、MOS管、LED驱动IC、HX4004A、HX4002B、HX3001、HX1314 进入店铺 全部商品 09:10 d** 联系了该商品的商家 11:07 p** 联系了该商品的商家 17:55 o** 联系了该...
The AP7375 series is a wide input voltage range (45V), low quiescent current (2.1μA), low-dropout linear regulator (LDO) able to provide 300mA load current. The AP7375 family of LDOs offers an EN pin that takes an input voltage of 45V to enable and disable the LDO output. The de...
Related Article: When You Really Need Low-Dropout Regulation: A New LDO from Diodes Incorporated Description The AP7380 series is a positive voltage regulator IC. The AP7380 has features of wide input voltage range, high accuracy, low dropout voltage, current limit and ultra-low quiescent current...
regulation, andverywideinputvoltage rangefrom0.9 V to 100 V. Output currents range from [...] digikey.ca digikey.ca LDO 线性稳压器 - Linear Technology 的高性能、低压差 (LDO) 线性稳压器种类齐全、瞬态响应快,具有出色的线路和负载调节能力,采用 0.9 V 到 100V 的较宽输入电压范围,输出电流在 20...
查看详情 优势供应内置LDO防反接低压差线性LED恒流驱动器 DE1108 ¥0.40 查看详情 优势供应8功能9模式电池盒太阳能灯串驱动芯片ANA6519 ¥0.33 查看详情 优势供应长江存储4NAND TLC闪存颗粒容量256GB YMN08TE1B1DC3B ¥98.00 本店由淘IC(深圳)运营支持 获取底价 商品描述 PDF资料 价格说明 联系我们 ...
Linear and Low-Dropout Regulators (LDO) offer low iq, high PSRR, wide input voltage (40v, 45v, 60v), small-size, high-voltage, and high-current LDOs.