that will fit over your feet with about an inch of space. It needs to be as tall as the boots or shoes you want to make, or a little taller. It needs to hold a casting material we'll mix up in the next step, which will be the consistency of jello. It is a one-time-use...
Lower-cut cleats are perhaps the most common cleat type among football players. These have a collar that’s a bit below the ankle. While minimalist in design and quite comfortable, these types of cleats don’t provide enough protection for your ankles. They simply don’t have enough ankle c...
Dan Pritchett, Technical Fellow at eBay, spoke about "Architecting for Latency". His aim was not to talk about minimizing latency, as you might expect, but rather to architect as though you believe latency is unavoidable and real. We all know the effect latency can have on performance. That...