SmartPort Connect and control your EVO laser with your SmartPhone using the SmartPort. Programming Kit Reprogram your EVO laser by using our unique microchip programming software. Developers Kit Create SmartPhone apps and firmware for the EVO smart laser platform. ...
Spyder 3 ArcticBlue is the world's most powerful handheld laser you can legally own, with over 3,500mW of fully variable power. Get yours now!
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Wicked Lasers 激光器说明书
wicked lasers激光笔使用方法 是在优酷播出的自拍高清视频,于2015-12-13 15:49:47上线。视频内容简介:wicked lasers s3 《星球大战》激光手电——超强激光手电 使用方法
Prototype for WICKED LASERS The Laser GatlingNOT FOR SALE PROTOTYPES AND SHOW CASE ITEMS ON REQUEST Mass: 4.5 kg Length: 650 mm Motor runs on 8 regular AA cells Lasers run on 4 paralleled 18650 Li Ion Output 1 or 1.5W burning blue Six Wicked Lasers Modules, 1.4W each 100mW green for ...
Meet the Wicked Lasers Evo Smartport 532nm Green Laser. It is open source and smartphone controllable. Its user interface is hackable, and you can create apps for it oniOSandAndroid. The Evo has 4 operating modes: momentary, constant, strobe, and bypass. The Evo is crafted from brushed an...
商标名称 WICKED LASERS 国际分类 第09类-科学仪器 商标状态 商标转让 申请/注册号 5919625 申请日期 2007-02-15 申请人名称(中文) 上海廉泉贸易有限公司 申请人名称(英文) - 申请人地址(中文) 上海市崇明区长兴镇潘园公路152号1226室(上海泰和经济发展区) 申请人地址(英文) - 初审公告期号 - 初审公告日期 ...
运动户外FlashTorch·mini·手电筒·黑色·白光·迷你 11|4|5792人气|32|2018-08-27 17:03:42 关注私信 Alice 家居家具 世界上最小的手电筒,却能发出难以置信的白光. 设计师:Raul Gonzalez Podesta 本作品转载于原创设计师 : Raul Gonzalez Podesta
Wicked Lasers 用户手册和激光安全指南说明书