Each card of the Minor and Major Arcana is explored in depth. There are twelve sample spreads to help you learn about reading the cards and a final main section on using the cards in magic. Two areas explored in depth are love spells and spells for prosperity and abundance....
Using candle spells is covered extensively, including how to time these with lunar phases to enhance the power of spells and how to perform simple spells and even create your own. The course also provides a complete Love Attracting ritual and a Prosperity Chant. Thought forms are created solely...
if I ask for more, someone will get less. So I was afraid of asking for money or any kind of physical goodies. Now I think I was wrong. And this is the root of my current financial problems. I became so scared to ask for money that I couldn’t even ask for enough money to...
which is drawn out in a ritual manner followed by a cleansing and then blessing of the space. Prayers to the God and Goddess are said, and spells are sometimes worked. Traditionally, the circle is followed by a meal. Before entering the circle, some Traditions fast for the day, and have...
Imperfect Traditional Witch Athame: Black Heartwood Handle - Magickal Misfits Seconds Altar Tool for Ritual, Altar knife, Energy, Witchcraft $17.95 Add to Cart Jade Gemstone Money Tree for Attract Money, Growth, Abundance, Luck, Prosperity, Harmony, Good Fortune, Money Spells, Wealth, Success...
Spells for Days of the Week ● Sunday: (signifies the Sun) is appropriate to cast spells ostracizing evil powers, dispossession, to advocate healing, and for prosperity. Candle colors: orange, white, yellow. ● Monday: (signifies the Moon) is appropriate to cast spells necessitating purge, ...
Prosperity Hand Poured Blessed Herbal Pillar Candle for Magick, Attracting Money, Abundance Spells $24.95 Add to Cart Green Goldstone Tumbled Crystal Gemstone for Growth, Prosperity, and Abundance $4.95 Add to Cart Prosperity Ritual O...
Mini Spell Candles with 20 colors to choose from for Spells & Ritual, Candle Magick, Energy Work $0.99 Add to Cart Energy Pillar Candle with Unakite Crystal Pendant for Energy, Power, Manifest Healing, Balance $22.95 Add to Cart Prosperity Purse ...