WIC-1AM和WIC-2AM能够为低密度应用程序(例如路由器管理、拨号备份和访问)提供模拟调制解调器接口。 WIC-1AM包括用于话机共享对公共交换电话网(PSTN)线路的接入的插孔。 当前不支持V.92。 当对等体是数字调制解调器时(例如,带有像T1或E1线路数字电路的AS5xxx),可达到56 Kbps (V.90) 连接到模拟调制解调...
q WIC-1AM包括用于话机共享对公共交换电话网(PSTN)线路的接入的插孔. q 当前不支持V.92. q 当对等体是数字调制解调器时(例如,带有像T1或E1线路数字电路的AS5xxx),可达到56 Kbps (V.90) q 连接到模拟调制解调器时,无法实现56 Kbps(V.90).这是V.90技术的限制,不是硬件问题.有 关详细信息,请参阅"...
I recently purchased two WIC-1AM cards that I would like to use over analog POTS to serve as a backup for communications between two Cisco 2621XM routers when the primary Connection goes down. I would like the central router to dial out to the remote sites. I tried to configure this as ...
AT Command Set and Register Summary for NM-8AM-V2, NM-16AM-V2, WIC-1AM, and WIC-2AM Analog Modem WAN Interface CardsSan Jose
忙完昨晚春晚的小预告片已是1am, 早上7am机场拍摄,下午3pm Town Hall拍摄,如痴如醉,昏昏欲睡!不过这个城市还是非常Chinese friendly,张灯结彩,喜气洋洋! #约拍##曼彻斯特,不只有一种红##街拍夜景##文艺曼...
We have gone with the WIC-1AM modem module for our console routers. However, upon dialing in, I get a quick hangup by the WIC-1AM, debugs show the following: *Apr 10 08:35:29.775: Modem (0/0) DCD Asserted *Apr 10 08:35:29.799: Modem (0/0) DCD UnAsserted My config is here...
This document provides information on the analog modem Wide Area Network (WAN) interface cards (WIC-1AM or WIC-2AM), their product numbers, features, platform support, LEDs, and configuration.
I have a WIC-1AM installed.When I do a 'show modem' I don't see a number for the modem, I guess because there is only one modem. If I want to clear the modem using 'clear modem' - so I use just 'clear modem' without the slot/port to clear it since it is not listed that...