Please note that this survey is administered by Kentucky Youth Advocates, not the Kentucky WIC Program or Department of Public Health. If you have any questions about the survey, please email Karena Cash at This WIC CIAO project is led by Kentucky Youth Advocates, Kentucky ...
PLEASE READ: EBTShopper CURRENTLY SUPPORTS THE WIC PROGRAMS IN FLA, WV, KY, TX, NM and WY. Please check back soon if you participate in another WIC program!Grocery shopping for foods allowed by your WIC* program can be confusing. Much of the problem is from not knowing exactly what produ...
in effect is from, October 1, 2014, through June 30, 2015, provided, however, that this Agreement shall be automatically extended for the period July 1, 2015, through September 30, 2015, unless the Kentucky WIC Program notifies the Vendor, in writing, to the contrary thirty (30) days ...
Appendix A- KY WIC Program Certificate for Medical Necessity For Formula and WIC Food Exceptions Forms (WIC-200, WIC-300, WIC-400) ... 88 Appendix B- WIC State Agency Formula/Medical Food Approval Form ... 96 Appendix C- Medicaid Denial Letters ... ...
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