nutrition education and health care referrals for low-income pregnant, breastfeeding, and non-breastfeeding postpartum women, and to infants and children up to age five who are found to be at nutritional risk. To find the WIC office phone number and office hours for the department that handles...
如果需要WIC服务,可以在Google上搜索“WIC near me”,在本地的WIC clinic(多数在County Health Department)预约。第一次申请时,所有接受WIC福利的人都必须到场面试,妈妈必须带着宝宝一起。 申请WIC需要带上证明身份、收入和居住地的文件,例如: 身份证明:成人的驾照或State ID,宝宝的出生证、SSN卡或医保卡等 收入...
voucher (Participant can purchase only up to this amount) 8 The actual price of purchase with voucher (cashier fills in at checkout stand) 9 The price of food purchased can be only up to noted amount 10 Participant signs name as cashier observes Source: California Department of Health. ...