breastfeed their infants, if possible. However if this is not the chosen method to feed their infants, the local WIC office can provide an alternative with infant formula. WIC state agencies are required by law to have competitively bid infant formula rebate contracts with infant formula ...
Because our estimates do not take into account savings from infant formula rebates, the estimated dollar amounts in our scenario analysis do not reflect total cost to the program. Page 35 GAO-06-664 WIC-Only Vendors Table 4: Change in Program Expenditures if WIC-Only Vendors' Market Share ...
3. Caretaker is unable to properly prepare formula;or 4. Onlyform the product is avai lable. The reason for issuing Ready-To-Feed formula must be documented in the medical record. It is necessary to cal l the state staff in the fol lowing situations.If Ready-To-Feed is requested for re...