Child welfare: An africentric perspective: Edited by Joyce E. Everett, Sandra S. Chipungu, and Bogart R. Leashore. New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press, 1991. 321 pp.doi:10.1016/0190-7409(93)90014-ZShirley P. Thrasher...
Sponsored by the California Evidence- Based Clearinghouse for Child Welfare Charles Wilson, MSSW, Executive Director of Chadwick Center The Sam anMarch
Globalisation and Child Welfare: Some Lessons from a Cross-National Study of Children in Out-of-Home Care, June Thoburn, Norwich, University of East Anglia, Social Work Monographs, 2007, pp. 70, ISBN 9781857841268, 8.00BroadhurstK.BRITISH JOURNAL OF SOCIAL WORK...