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2nd unofficial Test • Taunton, July 10 - 13, 2018, India A tour of England West Indies A 302 & 210 India A (T:321) 192 & 321/5 India A won by 5 wickets In-play betting with bet365.Bet Now Report IND-A v WI-A Tests 2018 Matches India A vs W. Indies A - 1st unoffici...
Get cricket scorecard of 4th Test, AUS vs WI, West Indies tour of Australia 1992/93 at Adelaide Oval dated January 23 - 26, 1993.
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ComompparairsiosnonofofstsatbaibliitliytybebtewtweeenenWWi-Fi-iFai nadndmmagangenteicticfiefiledldataat saimsipmlpelleocloactiaotnio:n(:a()aT) iTmime e sesqeuqeunecnecsesfofromr magangintuitduedeofomf magangenteicticfiefiledldanadndWWi-Fi-iFRi SRSSSofoof noeneAAP Pmmeaesausruerdedonon...
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Another interesting observation from our long-term experiment is data levels during the 1st and 2nd week. These two weeks were the first weeks of August, when some of the people occupying desks in the office were on holidays. One would assume that smaller number of devices in the room would...