See your sample ballot Track your absentee The deadline to request an absentee ballot is 5:00 pm the Thursday before an election. It is best to submit your request early because it can take up to one week for the post office to deliver a ballot. In-Person Absentee Voting The Common Cou...
•NJ-St. Sen.: Republicans are challenging Olympian Carl Lewis’s residency status, trying to get him thrown off the ballot. Lewis says he’s owned homes in New Jersey since 2005, but has voted and paid taxes in California until last year. The Secretary of State will rule by Thursday,...
pglDecember 20, 2019 at 8:52 am Abstaining from voting on the impeachment vote is a profile in courage? I think we have a new winning for Stupidest Man Alive. ISLM – in all seriousness you need to lay off the vodka as it has clearly rotted what ever brain cells you ever had. jose...
Wisconsin Statute 11.30 Every communication that is paid for by political funds must contain a disclaimer or attribution statement identifying the source of the funds paying for the communication. This includes every printed advertisement, billboard, handbill, sample ballot, television or radio advertisem...