Wiegert is a republican, and takes a deep interest in all political affairs and always goes to the polls on election day, but he has never had either the time or inclination to seek public office, although he served with efficiency for eight years as a member of the local school board. ...
It is too early to judge the results of this new strategy. General Petraeus recently put it this way: "We haven't even started the full surge yet." He just got his troops on the ground. Only at the end of this week will the last of the five reinforcement brigades become fully46 ope...
The HWPC was created to mobilize political support for progressive causes, which led to the election of a record number of women to Congress in 1992, a moment often referred to as the "Year of the Woman." •••• She co-founded the Women's Media Center alongside Robin Morgan ...
Tell that to the victims of Timothy McVeigh, Theodore Kaczynski, Eric Robert Rudolph, George Metesky, the Ku Klux Klan, the Black Liberation Army (to cut both ways on race), Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold (along with other school shootings), Luke Helder, etc…. It’s a little late in ...
Maybe Haskell University officials don’t really care who’s on their ‘Rascal Board of Rejects’ or if it’s all just MALIGNANT NEPOTISM. However, students of the school – particularly those who’ve personally suffered domestic violence – might feel otherwise. For example, consider this articl...