首先,我们需要确认自己的打印机是否支持Wi-Fi功能。一般来说,爱普生打印机的型号中如果包含“Wi-Fi”或“无线”标识,如L3153、M11XX系列等,就表示该打印机支持无线连接。如果您的打印机型号较老或不明确是否支持Wi-Fi,可以查阅打印机说明书或联系爱普生官方客服进行确认。路由器设置 接下来,我们需要对路由器进...
1. 使用Wi-Fi连接打印机(Connecting to a Printer via Wi-Fi) 1.1 确认打印机支持Wi-Fi功能(Check if the Printer Supports Wi-Fi) 在连接之前,首先要确认你的打印机是否支持Wi-Fi功能。大多数现代打印机都配备了Wi-Fi模块,可以通过无线网络进行打印。如果你的打印机支持Wi-Fi,通常会在设备上有相应的标识。
1. 检查打印机的兼容性 (Check Printer Compatibility) 首先,确保你的打印机支持无线连接。大多数现代打印机都具备Wi-Fi功能,但仍然有一些旧款打印机可能不支持。查看打印机的说明书或官方网站,确认其无线功能。 2. 准备网络环境 (Prepare Network Environment) 无线打印机需要连接到Wi-Fi网络,因此确保你的网络正常...
让我们使用 USB 电缆将您的打印机连接到 Wi-Fi、有线网络或计算机,但是首先,我们需要了解您的打印机型号。 选择您的支持需求: 打开包装、设置新打印机 解决打印机问题 请输入您的序列号,产品型号或产品名称 请输入您的序列号,产品型号或产品名称 提交提交 ...
The printer supports network configuration via 2.4 GHz hotspot, but does not support network configuration via 5 GHz hotspot. Solution Check the current Wi-Fi frequency band. If it's 5 GHz, select 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi instead for network configuration. To check the frequency band of the connected ...
how to connect your printer to wi-fi learn more {{tabitem?.headline?.t_id}} can i connect my printer to a wifi network without a computer? yes, it is possible to connect your printer to a wifi network without a computer. many modern printers have a built-in setup wizard or touch...
C) Please follow the steps below to connect your printer to the network again. 1) Uninstall the HP smart app by click on this link, Restart the computer or mobile device to clear possible error conditions. 2) Enable Wi-Fi setup mode: When you turn on your printer for ...
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Apply the settings and wait for the printer to connect to the network. Additional Tips Ensure Wi-Fi is Enabled: Make sure the Wi-Fi on the printer is enabled. The wireless light should be on or blinking. Check Firewall Settings: If you have a firewall enabled on your computer, ...