and to help avoid a complete reinstallation where it is not necessary. The key steps are in various boxes below. Some may not apply to your computer, but if they do you may save yourself some work over the full removal and reinstallation instructions given ...
First off I will say I am pretty good at computers.. Not a professional but better than most people. The set-up instructions look easy and have nice pictures to go along with the directions. I used option 1 and everything was going fine, but I was impatient ...
Setting up the RT-BE86U is incredibly easy thanks to the Asus Router app. After installing the software and plugging in my modem, I then followed several on-screen instructions to configure the device. The whole process took no more than a few minutes. The app plays a big role in the ...
In the setup(), set the ESP32 receiver as an access point and Wi-Fi station:WiFi.mode(WIFI_AP_STA);The following lines connect the ESP32 to your local network and print the IP address and the Wi-Fi channel:// Set device as a Wi-Fi Station WiFi.begin(ssid, password); while (...