Discover the Sony's WI-C100 Wireless Bluetooth In-ear Headphones, enjoy up to 25hrs of battery life and high-quality listening. (WIC100/B)
Les WI-C100 offrent une nouvelle dimension aux écouteurs sans fil d'entrée de gamme. Une qualité Sony exceptionnelle pour une expérience audio optimale. Grâce à l'autonomie de 25 h et au design anti-éclaboussures, sortez l'esprit tranquille. Compatibles avec l'application Sony | Headph...
Les WI-C100 offrent une nouvelle dimension aux écouteurs sans fil d'entrée de gamme. Une qualité Sony exceptionnelle pour une expérience audio optimale. Grâce à l'autonomie de 25 h et au design anti-éclaboussures, sortez l'esprit tranquille. Compatibles avec l'application Sony | Headph...
Fast Pair makes it easy to pair your headphones with your Android™ devices. In one tap of pop-up guidance, the WI-C100 headphones enable quick, effortless Bluetooth® pairing with your Android™ devices. Also, you can easily locate where you left your headphones by ringing them or chec...
Fast Pair makes it easy to pair your headphones with your Android™ devices. In one tap of pop-up guidance, the WI-C100 headphones enable quick, effortless Bluetooth® pairing with your Android™ devices. Also, you can easily locate where you left your headphones by ringing them or chec...
Fast Pair makes it easy to pair your headphones with your Android™ devices. In one tap of pop-up guidance, the WI-C100 headphones enable quick, effortless Bluetooth® pairing with your Android™ devices. Also, you can easily locate where you left your headphones by ringing them or chec...
In one tap of pop-up guidance, the WI-C100 headphones enable quick, effortless Bluetooth® pairing with your Android™ devices. Also, you can easily locate where you left your headphones by ringing them or checking their last known location on your smartphone....
索尼SONY WI-C100 入耳颈挂式无线蓝牙耳机 144元 162元 鑫垚纳吉 更新时间:19:11 价格低于双11 购买渠道 京东 去购买 爆料原文: 京东此款目前活动售价162元,下单1件,实付低至162元,近期好价。 订单截图 1 查看更多 商品介绍: 索尼WI- C100采用无拘无束的颈戴式设计,贴合颈部, 稳固舒适。 3种...
In one tap of pop-up guidance, the WI-C100 headphones enable quick, effortless Bluetooth® pairing with your Android™ devices. Also, you can easily locate where you left your headphones by ringing them or checking their last known location on your smartphone....