WPA2 is a security protocol that protects modern Wi-Fi networks. Hackers have found a way to manipulate the cryptographic elements behind the security, according to Mathy Vanhoef of KU Leuven, a university in Belgium. The issue is with the security standard itself rather than individual ...
This article focuses on issues on wireless fidelity (Wi-Fi) security. New Wi-Fi-certified 802.11g wireless products promise better protection from snoops with the Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) encryption technology. In informal tests with a half dozen Wi-Fi access points and 14 internal and ext...
[Y/N]:y # Configure port isolation on the switch port connected to an AP. [LSW] interface GigabitEthernet 0/0/5 [LSW-GigabitEthernet0/0/5] port-isolate enable VAP security You can enable STA address learning, strict STA IP address learning through DHCP, IP source guard (IPSG), and ...
In this paper, we perform the first security analysis of Wi-Fi FTM and analyze its security guarantees across the logical and physical layers. We find various weaknesses that enable an attacker to introduce distance reductions and enlargements to any arbitrary attacker-chosen value, requiring ...
最初,比利时鲁汶大学计算机安全学者马蒂·凡赫尔夫(Mathy Vanhoef)发现了该漏洞,他表示: 我们发现了 WPA2 的严重漏洞,这是一种如今使用最广泛的 Wi-Fi 网络保护协议。黑客可以使用这种新颖的攻击技术来读取以前假定为安全加密的信息,如信用卡号、密码、聊天信息、电子邮件、照片等等。
比利时安全研究员Mathy Vanhoef发现的WPA2协议的KRA(Key Reinstallation Attacks)漏洞,利用WPA2协议标准加密密钥生成机制上的设计缺陷,四次握手协商加密密钥过程中第三个消息报文可被篡改重放,导致在用密钥被重新安装。 Wi-Fi网络通过WPA2 handshake四次握手消息协商用于后续数据通信的加密密钥,其中交互的第三个消息报文...
In other words, the goal is to leak frames from the access point destined to a victim client station by taking advantage of the fact that most Wi-Fi stacks do not adequately dequeue or purge their transmit queues when the security context changes. ...
[Y/N]:y[AC-wlan-ap-group-ap-group1]quit[AC-wlan-view]quit # 配置AC的源接口。 [AC]capwap source interface vlanif 100 #在AC上离线导入AP,并将AP加入AP组“ap-group1”中。根据AP的部署位置为AP配置名称,便于从名称上就能够了解AP的部署位置。例如MAC地址为00e0-fc76-e320的AP部署在1号区域,...
SECURITY HARDENING FOR A WI-FI ROUTERA method and system of securing the firmware of a router. Upon determining that a received digital message does not have integrity or the digital signature of the received digital message is not correct, the digital message is ignored or discarded. Otherwise...
当模组检测到MCU重启或MCU断线再上线的过程,则主动下发Wi-Fi状态至MCU。 当模组的Wi-Fi状态发生变化,则主动下发Wi-Fi状态至MCU。 网络状态标志用来区分Wi-Fi网络状态来自涂鸦配网还是HomeKit配网。 如设置模组工作模式为“模组自处理”,则MCU无需实现该协议。模组...