The YouTube player has undergone several changes from the initial set up. When YouTube was newly launched, the video player only had a few controls and a huge logo watermark in the bottom left corner. Gradually, options like theFull Screen,changing playback speed, andautomation captionsemerged....
We all know that the quality of ourYouTube videosis important, as are the thumbnails we attach to those videos. However, the YouTube title, or headline, is another huge factor that users consider when they think about clicking on a video to watch. If your title isn't compelling, if it...
Let’s find out why YouTube is called YouTube and how YouTube has given “viral” a whole new meaning. Why is it called YouTube? The name “YouTube” is actually pretty straightforward. The “You” represents that the content is user generated, created by individual users and not the s...
If you have submitted your app to the store and it was rejected for a reason not listed here, call Apple directly to get more details. Apple’s support team is really helpful during the review process and can walk you through whatever went wrong. ...
That’s why YouTube beauty bloggers are so popular because they’re people just looking for new products to try and to tell their friends and family about. What we found was that early on, when we were getting a bunch of sales, and we were getting really excited by this influx, what ...
If your video that you created in Clipchamp has been flagged by YouTube's Content ID system, our stock media partner Storyblocks can help you clear the claim so that you can use your video on YouTube without restrictions. To get their support, pr...
Next, click on the ‘Choose File’ button to select the zip file you created earlier, and then click on the ‘Install Now’ button. WordPress will now upload and install the plugin for you. Once it’s uploaded, you need to click on the ‘Activate Plugin’ button to start ...
would be really grateful for your thoughts and assistance i’ve spoke to MaxCDN and they said they can help, however you never know whether its a sales pitch? Reply Editorial Staff Yes they can help. Reply Admin Jen Street I have created a few sites using Wix, including my own po...
1. YouTube information and growth Before you can market on YouTube, you have to understand YouTube’s background. First,YouTube was founded in May 2005. So when you compare it to other businesses, it’s not that old — even for Internet companies. Google picked it up for a cool$1.65...
Editor's Note: This article was updated with a new photo and YouTube videos on Dec. 16, 2024. When it comes to holiday music, you can never go wrong with the tried-and-true classics. Who doesn't love Nat "King" Cole's "The Christmas Song," Elvis Presley's "Blue Christmas,"...