致投资者:Why You Win or Lose 《成败之因》(Why You Win or Lose)的作者弗雷德·凯利(Fred C.Kelly)讲过一个故事,它完美地诠释了需要做出抛售决定时普通投资者的想法。 一个小男孩在路上遇到了一位想要抓野生火鸡的老人,他设了一个残忍的装置作为陷阱。这是一个顶上有门的大箱子,门由支架撑开,上面还系...
股市的终极哲学,是大众心理和行为 这两年开始以“自娱自乐”的心态接触股市,慢慢地读了不少讲投资的书籍,诸如著名的巴菲特、查理芒格、格雷厄姆的价值投资之类。虽然大概理解了理性投资的一些方法,但自己在实际操作中,还是会经常受市场情绪影响,做出很多错误的决定,比如看热门股涨了就买,股市大跌就卖。几年下来,花了...
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Kelly, the author of Why You Win or Lose, that illustrates perfectly how the conventional investor thinks when the time comes to make a selling decision... William J. O'Neil Why You Win or Lose, by Fred C. Kelly, written in a direct and easy to undersand style, identifies the four ...
Describes the benefits and drawbacks of new funds that guarantee a break-even result over ten years despite the performance of the stock market. How the guarantee works; Lord Abbett Equity 1990...
You win and you lose is present , you won and you lost is past Tense You win/ you could win means it is happening Right now or could still happen in the future. You won means it already happened . Hope this makes sense You win and you lose is present , you won and you lost ...
The software will mark the unallocated space on your disk as a lost partition so you can directly select to scan and find everything on the drive: Step 1. Select the drive where you lose your data and click "Search for Lost Data". Step 2. Use "Filter" or "Search" to find the lost...
(2008), Winning the Trading Game: Why 95% of Traders Lose and What You Must Do To Win? First Edition, New York: John Wiley and Sons, 288.DraKoln, N., 2008, Winning the trading game: why 95% of traders lose and what you must do to win, Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, NJ...
http://superuser.com/questions/382382/why-do-i-lose-my-cookies-when-internet-explorer-is-not-shut-down-correctly https://connect.microsoft.com/IE/feedback/details/651314/lost-all-cookies-logged-off-from-all-sites-and-frequently-used-sites-about-tabs-list-without-doing-anything ...
Anyone knows, there’s so many things that it involves that it can overwhelm you. I might lose a lot of customers, and I actually did. I lost just a lot of customers who were just used to a level of service I could no longer give, but I just had to focus on if I want to ...