I asked him if he did not consider the use of pirated software a form of theft from Microsoft, and he replied that the average annual earnings for the people of Kashmir might be $200, that the price they paid for a burned disk was often a month’s pay, especially for women who might...
United StatesI think the very first bowling alley scene exemplifies what makes this movie one of the best comedies, nay, movies ever. The quick fire dialogue, the clearly drawn characters and relationships; everything is just so clear cut and defined and everyone just lives in the world, it ...
There is the great blessing, and solemn obligation, and lofty prerogative of Christian morality, that for obedience to a precept it substitutes following a Person, and instead of saying to men ‘Be good’ it says to them ‘Be Christlike.’ It brings the conception of duty out of the regio...
Since there had been thirty-one such ballots in the ten years from 1962 to 1972, the citizenry were paying out at the rate of a quarter of a million francs per annum to allow an average of 40% of their number to say 'Yea' or 'Nay' to propositions such as the following: The cant...
Regardless of the risk to the rest of us. In addition to all that, this so-called compromise also contains a provision that would wreak havoc on the pensions of more than 10 million American workers, who likely have no idea this is coming. Pension plans were promises to employees that...
insyndicated loanagreements, which will normally provide that each bank is severally liable for its own part of the loan. If one bank fails to advance its agreed part of the loan to the borrower, then the borrower can sue only that bank, and the other banks in thesyndicatehave no ...
Same for the other side of that bell curve. A pure extrovert would be intolerable. They could never be left alone, which after the age of three gets its own section in the DSM-V. Introvert & ExtrovertDifferent for All Yes, when it comes to how much of an introvert or extrovert we ar...
If Google’s tangle with China and the Arab Spring have taught us anything, it’s that the rules for who gets to yea or nay internet content are still being written and continue to be written by unknown authors, sitting in dark corners leading their revolutions with armies of revolutionaries...
Perhaps it was by thine own holiness that the Red Sea was dried up; perhaps the parted floods were frighted at the piety of the saints that stood upon their margin; perhaps it was Israel that delivered itself. Nay, nay, saith God's Word; he saved them; they did not save themselves, ...