I am running MySQL through XAMPP port 3306. Member dougwilson commented Feb 19, 2019 So it sounds like this module is working just fine... your queries are being sent to your MySQL server and it is providing the results as returned by your MySQL server. I'm not sure there is anything...
When it comes to running a localhost server in PHP, there are some choices. If you’re using a Mac or Linux operating system, there is typically no need for you to use something like XAMPP. Instead, you can just install Apache on your machine and be done with it. But, when you’re...
搭建环境之xampp Agileone 1、关闭防火墙:service iptables stop 2、如果环境中已经安装了MySQL数据库,卸载已有数据库 查看MySQL:rpm -qa|grep mysql 卸载:rpm -e --nodeps mysq... 问答精选 Shrink Details section height MS Access I am creating a a report from code in Access. However, after the report...
Do note that while increasing the PHP memory limit can sometimes resolve the issue and allow you to install plugins, it’s important to understand that it’s not always the ideal solution. Malicious code could exploit a high memory limit to consume more resources than intended, potentially impac...
XAMPP (Cross-platform, Apache, MySQL, PHP, Perl) works, as its name implies, across many platforms including Windows, Linux, Solaris and Mac OS X. MAMP (Mac, Apache, MySQL, PHP, Perl or Python) works very well on Mac OS X; not available on any other platforms....
While I don't disagree with you about installing Apache proper, I've been using Laragon for many many years and that's where my proficiency is - this issue was just an anomaly. I've used WAMPP, XAMPP, Homestead, Lando and Docker/DDEV and always come back to Laragon. ...
<?php mysql_connect("localhost","root",""); //mysql_close(); ?> I know that my server is up and running and it tells me that PHP5 is on, and running as well. Here is what I get in the XAMPP error log when the problem...