The HbA1c test takes advantage of a natural—but harmful—consequence of the impact of blood sugar on the body’s proteins—in this case hemoglobin, the carrier of oxygen in our bloodstreams: it literally “cooks” in a low-temperature version of caramelization—the kitchen chemistry process by...
Blood banks dispose of blood that has low levels of bisphosphoglycerate. What would be the probable reason for doing so? What would you expect the oxygen-saturation of hemoglobin to be in oxygenated blood of a smoker compared to a non-smoker?
Chronic diseases are termed as a condition where the disease of illness lasts for a long period of time and the people need medical attention and a proper diet plan. There are some chronic diseases like diabetes, and other heart related diseases which can even lead to the death of an ...
My patient has a history of stroke 2012 and her condition is not getting better. Her RBC is low 3.79, hemoglobin is low (10.9), hematocrit is low (35.1). Oxygen saturation is 95. Some of the signs and symptoms in my textbook are speech and memory deficits, generalized weakness, incoordi...
Testosterone is also an integral component in the metabolism of iron and helps form hemoglobin. It is an iron-rich protein in charge of bringing oxygen from the lungs to other organs. TRT plays a significant role in raising hemoglobin levels and hematocrit or the ratio of red blood cells to...
Increased aerobic threshold and oxygen pickup in the lungs; easier to do more exercise Increased fat burning enzymes; fat deposits are encouraged to release fatty acids Increased glycogen storage; reduced conversion of sugar to fat; reduced incidence of hypoglycemia Increased hemoglobin levels; decreased...
Anemia(your blood is low on iron-rich hemoglobin) The location of the bleeding may affect what you notice. Blood in stool If it comes from the rectum or the lower colon, bright red blood will coat or mix with your stool. If the bleeding is higher up in the colon or at the far end...
Hemoglobin is a protein that is highly abundant in red blood cells. It is responsible for transporting around 98.5% of oxygen within the bloodstream. It effectively picks up oxygen at the lungs, and drops it off at the working tissue so that energy can be produced. Hemoglobin also plays a ...
Why might an abnormally high RBC count be dangerous? What could cause an abnormally high RBC count? What are the reasons for having lower than normal level or higher than normal level of hematocrit? What would cause the hemoglobin to appear in the bloodstream?
Why is it possible for us to drink a solution that contains a mixture of equal concentration of a strong acid and a strong base, either of which, separately, would be very caustic? Briefly explain the four different types of Acid-Base disturbances found in the human body. Why doesn't the...