My Oil is Fine, but the Oil Light is Still On. What Could It Be? The oil light on your dashboard isn’t always from low, leaking, or contaminated oil. If all of the following statements are true, you may have a faulty oil pressure sensor or pump: You have enough oil in your eng...
There are deals available which could save around £100 based on the current price cap, which would then save even more if the price cap goes up in the next few months. Otherwise, the best option is to try and manage energy usage around the home in order to keep bills as low as ...
Hydraulic Workover is a well intervention technique which can be used to install or remove tubular (pipes) in- or out of dead wells. “Dead” well means that the well has zero surface pressure and has a heavy fluid or mud in the wellbore, or is not capable of sustaining natural flow. ...
Depending on the make and model of the car, oil temperature, coolant temperature, and engine revolutions per minute (RPM) might be included in the dash’s readouts as well. But around these gauges are a set of dashboard lights; each represents a specific message to the driver. When ...
Today it is coming under heavy pressure from bearish factors, tomorrow it will come under bullish influences, hence the volatility of oil prices. In the last quarter of 2018 bearish influences prevailed forcing a big slump in oil prices. The recent slump could be attributed to three major ...
When I got married 3 years ago, the pressure to prepare for pregnancy, and become my healthiest self rose significantly. I was determined to solve this once and for all. I am smart after all, this shouldn’t be that hard. So, I read more than 120 books and countless scientific articles...
Let’s explicitly talk about why copper prices are falling and where the end might be. To go into detail on it you first have to go back 15-20 years ago to see where the copper prices were in comparison to everything. My Dad once infamously said, “You know something is wrong when ...
I make 2lb loaf with my bread machine and my wife find the bread difficult to heavy tasting. Would a 1.5lb loaf be lighter tasting or just smaller? Reply Paula says: Hi John, Unfortunately, a 1.5 lb loaf will just be smaller. If wife wants a lighter tasting loaf, you may have to...
But I believe it's being planned with my heart and soul. Why else would you run a poor old 78-year-old fellow who can't hold a stream of thought? Answer: Because hooked to an angry black woman he can win in this superheated environment. He can be elected but he can't serve. ...
DEF. I don’t think there is a more hated acronym in all of trucking. DOT even pales in comparison. Would you rather a CRA audit, or DEF issues? “Alex, I’ll take CRA audits for $1,000 please.” DEF, of course, stands for diesel exhaust fluid. Unfortunately, North American govern...