Open in MATLAB Online This issue may occur if you have not opened a connection on a MATLAB with the server interface. This means, that on the machine where you run "tcpip" with "server" as the "NetworkRole", it is necessary to use "fopen" to open the connection. Make sure th...
MATLAB Online에서 열기 When I use the following command on Windows with MATLAB 7.3 (R2006b): a=fread(fopen('test'),64,'char')'; size(a) I obtain ans = 1 64 On Linux I obtain: ans = 1 62 'schar' and 'uchar' format specification giv...
Open in MATLAB Online This error is caused by some virtual serial port drivers not supporting functionality equivalent to a physical serial port, and the way MATLAB handles communication with the virtual serial port. A possible solution would be to upgrade t...
keep receiving this error on the line with the parfor loop. This code seems to work (never been run to completion with a for loop because it takes too long) if I use just a for loop so it seems like the error is specific to the parfor fun...
MATLAB Online에서 열기 You should fopen the file in TEXT mode: 테마복사 fid = fopen(...'wt') % ^ TEXT mode! Or alternatively stop using retrograde Windows applications like Notepad. "Why does the text file does not show me ...
Open in MATLAB Online In the callback function corresponding to the button that opens the Excel file, please verify that you have called "fclose" after "fopen". The callback function after correcting it should look something like this:
Open in MATLAB Online In the callback function corresponding to the button that opens the Excel file, please verify that you have called "fclose" after "fopen". The callback function after correcting it should look something like this: ThemeCopy fid...
Open in MATLAB Online In the callback function corresponding to the button that opens the Excel file, please verify that you have called "fclose" after "fopen". The callback function after correcting it should look something like this: ThemeCopy fid ...
This behavior is observed on Windows platforms when you read a file in text mode using the 'rt' option in FOPEN. The following applies on Windows systems, in text mode:
Open in MATLAB Online The .slx file is not a valid Simulink model underanyencoding. fid = fopen('testmodel.slx','r'); first2 = fread(fid, [1 2],'char*1=>char'); fclose(fid); first2, dex2hex(first2) Will output 'PK' for potentially-valid simulink models...