The coolant in a car is made up of antifreeze – a chemical compound to lower the freezing point and protect the system from corrosion and mineral buildup – and water. It’s stored in the coolant reservoir/expansion tank, which you’ll find under the hood. When you turn the engine on,...
Also, if an animal is out in the cold and all of the normal sources of water are frozen, then a puddle of antifreeze would look like a welcome source of water. Some cats can ingest antifreeze if they walk through it and then groom themselves. Thanks for a great question! Dr. Marie....
In short, the liquid isn’t what cools your CPU. The liquid inside a liquid cooler is coolant, which is just amixture of water and glycol. Water carries the heat, and glycol is the basis of antifreeze to prevent the water from freezing or boiling. You shouldn’t confuse coolant with re...