its form (a state that is one of impossible perfection, but not entirely beyond reach) and its function (the criticism of the reigning social order as a “theoretical practice”—its subversiveness).Footnote1Given the focus of this essay, one would merely have...
(1) self.The human must deny unceasingly and affirm oneself can progress, but denies the final goal is for develops to the affirmation direction, the self, maintains the firm faith, often is the key which the enterprise succeeds. (2) abandonment feels inferior.Feels inferior the need three ...
We live in an age when all manner of scientific knowledge—from climate change to vaccinations—faces furious opposition. Some even have doubts about the moon landing.
Num 20:12 But YHWH said to Moses and Aaron, “Because you did not trust Me enough to affirm My sanctity in the sight of the Israelite people, therefore you shall not lead this congregation into the land that I have given them.” Although that passage does not explicitly mention Moses’ ...
Questions that include coercive language usually force the respondent to affirm or agree with something. These types of questions tend to use phrases like: You enjoyed x, didn't you? Our product is great, right? Coercive questions are among the ...
Theologically, this phrase underscores the fulfillment of Jesus' mission, as He willingly affirms His identity, knowing it would lead to His death. It also connects to John 10:30, where Jesus states, "I and the Father are one," further affirming His divine nature. This declaration from ...
Yet their mission remains the same: bring hope during a time of war. Review ChatGPT Can String Words Together. Only Humans Can Write. Lin Johnson A veteran writing teacher isn’t impressed with the output of generative AI. The Bible’s Take on Systemic Sin ...
Right? This is something we want to affirm here. Whatever we’re saying about the assumption of Mary is prefiguring what will happen to the entire church. The body would not dare to promise itself. Resurrection save the head arose first. The body of Christ that was born of Mary. I’ve...
"When a single young man meets a single young woman, why would he choose to marry her and just affirm and force love for her when he didn't love her?" she wondered. "How cruel is that? To pick me out of a crowd and just be like, 'I pick you to ...
“If you come in the country and have a child, that’s on you. You can either take the child with you, but that’s on you,”Homan said on Tuesday in Chicago, adding he would target undocumented people living in cities like Chicago that have sanctuary policies. ...