Although he lost the job he had thought was stable, he has found a new studio to work at in a city where he has friends. For the first time ever, he asked about the company's finances in his job interview."Maybe I was a little bit naive but I started in this industry in a ...
PwC Wiki. Learn what sets PwC apart from all the other big 4 accounting firms. How much money do they make? What kind of jobs...
PwC refers to the PwC network and/or one or more of its member firms, each of which is a separate legal entity. Please see for further details. Strategy+business is published by certain member firms of the PwC network. Articles published in strategy+business do not ...
I had a chance to interview Dr. Buytaert about his article, his advice for building successful open source projects and what's happening with theDrupal AssociationandDrupalConforTechRepublic's Dynamic Developer video and podcast series. The following is an edited transcript of the the interview. ...
This was followed by an interview with building experts regarding factors that affect the use of natural ventilation in New Zealand offices. The findings showed that the NZ Green Star thermal comfort criteria encourage the use of mechanical ventilation over natural ventilation which results in ...
In his interview with HealthcareITNews, Dosis’ CEO Shivrat Chhabra mentioned this platform helped clients reduce drug consumption by 25% while improving patient outcomes. Build your pharmaceutical AI solution Contact ITRex → → Challenges associated with implementing AI in pharma Some of these ...