why wont my sims 4 expantion pack not downloading?? #11 June 2023 Options graciethemonkey ★★★ Newbie 78 pt Ive tried deleting clearing my cache practically everything nothing is working. im actually so pissed that the pack i bought keeps saying download error while still being stuck on...
Describe what is happening for you?: The Sims 4 High School Years is stuck on preparing, 14%, Calculating Time, Download error, and won't download What expansion, game pack or stuff pack do you have this issue with? The Sims 4 High School Years When did this start happening for you?
Secondly, some fans are also upset that this newSims 4game packwon’t appeal to players who aren’t fans ofStar Wars.While fans of the long-standing franchise will be excited to see familiar faces like Kylo Ren and Rey Skywalker graceTheSimswith their presence, players who haven’t watche...
My sims 4 packs keep saying "unowned" when launching the app. I only have one origin account, since changing to ea my packs come and go. when my packs are owned i cannot enter the game as the loading screen doesnt go away, but when packs say unowned the load screen g...
Hello I'm having some issues with my game. I bought most of my sims 4 games and add on through out the years and it's been like two months that I haven't played anyhow I played my game last night and it was good today I wanted to play and its saying that I'm missing mos...
So, I have been playing sims 4 and it does lag even on low settings. I searched everywhere and I got told to switch to 32 bit legacy mode. I switched and I run really well 4k and ultra settings but, some of my expansion and stuff packs are gone. ( i have almost every single pac...
Re: Sims 4 High School Years not appearing after installing (Xbox One) #21 July 2022 Options bassplayer_909 ★★★ Newbie 89 pt @Gednaa I was having the same issue and I have just completely restarted my computer and it seems to have worked as the pack has sta...
Summarize your bug I bought the Sims 4 My Wedding Stories game pack. I put it in my cart and bought it there. After getting the confirmation email, I went to download the game, but it didn't give me the option to download. I went to repair my game to see if that woul...
Summarize your bug I bought the Sims 4 My Wedding Stories game pack. I put it in my cart and bought it there. After getting the confirmation email, I went to download the game, but it didn't give me the option to download. I went to repair my game to see if that woul...