yett nothing helped i love amd for its price and VRAM performance and i care only about raster performance but **bleep** every single tíme i open game crash each tíme i must gót faulty gpu there is no any other way never the less im returning it to store and...
Summary of issue: New Ryzen 3600 won't get over 3.6ghz without black screen and restarting. 3.575 GHz is fine but >/= 3.6 is a crash every time. I've tried other ram, updated all the drivers that I could find, CMOS clear then "load optimized defaults", all result in crashing ...
Sadly, when using the sRGB mode, the overdrive is locked to the Smart OD option. Since the monitor’s native color gamut has only mild over-saturation, using the sRGB mode isn’t necessary for gaming. In fact, most people will prefer the extra vibrancy of the wider color gamut. If you...
Clive: Why I Had to Rely on Trusted Jonny; the Lions Head Coach Has Opted to Pick the Men Who Won Him the World Cup in 2003. Chris Jones Reports from Christchurch
Adrenalin- Why won't it recognize my second r9 290, but my computer will? I recently got 2 R9 290s that I use (or am tying to) in crossfire. I have been trying to solve this problem form months with no luck, and am unable to find a forum with a similar problem. So, here's ...
Why ps4 controller won´t work when using amd link on steam games? Why my controller won´t work when using amd link on steam games? specifically nba 2k20. Note controller works on steam app but not in the game.0 Likes Reply All...
onetimem2 Newcomer 03-08-2020 12:33 PM I have tried playing multiple games but the controller doesn´t work with any of the game, even with the ones outside of steam when amd link is active. now amd radeon software is not showing on my system. 0 Li...