The drivers are so **bleep**ing horrible honestly the only thing amd does good is cpus i will never get a gpu from you guys again and you guys pretty much scammed me out my money 1Like Reply 1 Reply Iuyqr Journeyman III 07-08-202401:29 AM ...
When updating to a new Adrenalin driver, a restart is required for the AMD Software to run, which is inconvenient but understandable. What baffles me is that even if you shut down your PC and boot it the next day, AMD software will still say that a restart is require...
NVIDIA also silently mocks AMD for first releasing non-WHQL drivers:Only once all this work is completed do we launch the driver via and GeForce Experience. And because the Game Ready Driver Program and our promise of quality relies on all of this work, we don’t release sub...
✅ Why does Windows 11 keep changing AMD Vega 8 drivers?:Ever since I updated to Windows 11 I've been having issues with my AMD chipset. The problem appears after every other system update. The first symptoms...
Hey AMD Community! I have a problem while updating my GPU( AMD FirePro W5000 ) drivers, attaching the screenshot. Can anyone suggest me a solution?
I have been working with AMD since the K2 days. I started using RAID 5 starting with Series 7, 8, and 9. All showed the same no matter what board I would use with Windows. Port 4 would always disconnect and send my array into critical. 990fx is no better and makes me want to ...
It's not that the performance doesn't improve on other cards. It's just that they haven't benchmarked it enough to make a statement about it. And the RX 580 is
Either that or the callhome is not to an AMD domain? (Maybe a clean reinstall with Catalyst drivers would fix the issue for good?) The odd thing is I have no traces of Adrenalin on my system (install package, old driver files, etc.) when I do a scan. However, I can repeat the ...
Why are all the Radeon 530 Adrenalin drivers garbage? 17.7.2 has given me the least problems but the AMD Settings might as well not come with it as there is literally almost nothing you can do with it. 17.9.3 has good AMD Settings but causes the same amount of CPU to be used as ...
Why there is no Radeon™ 530 Drivers for windows 10 - 32-Bit Edition ? 0 Likes Reply All forum topics Previous Topic Next Topic 1 Reply kingfish MVP 05-27-2019 07:07 AM Empty heading Because it is not designed for a 32bit OS. 0 Likes Reply Top AMD...