I did Minecraft mod what should add new magnet pickaxe, but for some reason i can't do that because of imports. It just red in Intelij IDEA there code: package _1; import net.minecraft.item.PickaxeItem; import net.minecraft.item.ToolMaterial; public class MagnetPickaxeItem extends ...
1 Block textures and block names not loading minecraft forge 0 Minecraft: Item not registering 1 Command doesn't register MinecraftForge 1.8 0 How to register a block on minecraft 1.11 forge 0 minecraft modding setting up error 1 Forge 1.12.2- mcmod.info not load c...
I was playing a survival game on Minecraft and I went to break a block of dirt with my shovel. But it didn’t break. So then I tried to break a block of stone with my pickaxe. Nope! It didn’t work either. What gives? Why won’t these blocks break? It turns out that the blo...