Should you ever want to actually use the account, you need to be able to recover the password. That means either writing it down or using a tool that can recover it for you. One such tool is passgen, which comes with the book by Steve Riley and myself, Protect Your Windows Network:...
Hi, I have an i7-7700K. This CPU have TPM 2.0, It's compatible with Secure Boot, it have 4 core up to 4.2 GHz. It also is 64bit. I don't know why this...
"The account has been closed and you will now be redirected to the homepage","resetTokenExpired.title":"Reset Password Link has Expired","resetTokenExpired.message":"Try resetting your password again","invalidUrl.title":"Invalid URL","invalidUrl.message":"The URL you'...
Scanning your face is easier than remembering a password, that’s for sure. But while facial recognition technology has gone mainstream with Apple’s FaceID and Microsoft’s Windows Hello, we’re only now thinking through the cybersecurity and privacy concerns. Now Facebook, among other companies...
Typically, I went through my notebook once a week, usually during the weekend. This is what I did: Cross out any note that no longer seems relevant.I mentioned this for vocabulary already, but it can be applied to anything. In hindsight, most of the things you write down will seem les...
How can executives ensure a private cloud solution will actually meet business expectations and deliver results? Learn, Evaluate, Implement Blogs Read the latest announcements and news about private cloud. Partners Find trusted partners who can expertly deliver and extend the value of your investment....
Remember that even though you might think that certain types of people will be interested in your brand or offer, it may not actually be the case. This is why the launch stage is where you A/B test your targeting, copy and/or image. A/B testing allows you to improve your ad for ...
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Facebook, he adds, can be useful for showcasing family life and activities, such as community service or experiences abroad. And once students are admitted to a college, they should still think carefully about what they post on social media. According to AACRAO, 52% of res...
The only way to get your account reinstated is to contact LinkedIn at, NOT to comment on my blog! Thank you! LF October 17, 2023 / 11:16 pm Banned by LinkedIn Facebook group (I am not affiliated with LI or the FB group) / groups / bannedby...