Ten: Why the Ten Commandments Make for Such Messy LawBerkeley Electronic Press Selected WorksRodney A. Smolla
There were two main reasons for this: in the first place, modern China in spite of its age-old history was like the broken pieces of a jigsaw puzzle, each piece controlled by a different ruler, each with his own private army. In modern terms China was a country but not yet a nation,...
Fast-forward to 2024. Trump is now a convicted felon – 34 counts of fraud, conviction for slander and assault with a $500 million judgment. And, oh yes, the admitted adulterer continues to the darling of the religious right. Don’t bother me with the content of the Ten Commandments, Tr...
In the Bible, the term covenant is all symbolic of the Ark of the Covenant. This was the secret gold chest that contained the tablets of the law, the ten commandments entrusted to Moses as a pledge of alliance with the divine. So we can conclude that the covenant or ring is the symbol...
Perfection is only a bit, in the strange make-up of man alive. The Sermon on the Mount makes the selfless spirit of me quiver. But that, too, is only a bit of me. The Ten Commandments set the old Adam * shivering in me, warning me that I am a thief and a murderer, unless I...
In the first giving of the Ten Commandments, the reason for sabbath observance was the creation of the world in six days and rest on the seventh (Ex. 20:11). In the second giving of the Ten Commandments, the reason given has been changed. It was now because of the Exodus from Egypt...
This code of conduct was expected of the medieval knights. In his book, La Chevalerie, Leon Gautier wrote the ten commandments of chivalry which were the following: 1. Believe the Church’s teachings and observe all the Church’s directions, 2. Defend the Church, 3. Respect and defend the...
That's not to say that the Bible can't be compressed, because it obviously can: the entire imaginative cosmos of mankind is summarized by the Bible (John 21:25), the Bible by the Torah (1 Corinthians 10:2), the Torah by the Ten Commandments, the Ten by the Two (Matthew 22:36-40...
A lot of priming research has bitten the dust through the replication crisis – ideas such as words associated with old people slow our walking pace, known as the Florida effect, or that images of money make us selfish, or that priming us with the ten commandments can make us more honest...
The Ten Commandments are the instructions and stipulations for how to be loyal to God. Why did God so often remind ancient Israelites to keep the commandments? Because these were the expressions of the covenantal agreement whereby the Israelites showed faithfulness and love within the covenantal bo...