Why was the city of Meroe important to the Kushites? Why is the Battle of Kadesh important? Why was the Yom Kippur War important? Why was the Mediterranean Sea important to ancient Egypt? Why is the development of monotheism important in world history? Why were priests powerful in Mesopotamia...
While many faded from prominence, some of the ancient powers continued to thrive after the rise of the Roman Empire and other European nations, while newer cities like Timbuktu also became important trade, cultural, or religious centers. By the 21st century, the majority of cities that were ...
The Babylonian priests were in the habit of publicly announcing astronomical events, as the priests in Jerusalem also announced things like the beginning of the month and occurrence of Passover; but, in the absence of newspapers, radio, wire services, CNN, etc., these announcements may only ...
Meteorite ALH84001 was found on the Antarctic ice in 1984. It was probably part of debris ejected into space by a large impact on Mars. ALH84001 is important because a team of scientists studied it and announced in 1996 that it contained chemical and physical traces of ancient life on Mars...
A decree from the time of Pepi I (6th Dynasty), which exempts the priests of 'the two pyramids of Snoferu' from certain taxes, was written in relation to the 'Red' and 'Bent' pyramids at Dashur. Cartouches of Snoferu have also been found on both pyramids (On the corner-stones and...
by the Christian scholar Pantanaeus, the school of Alexandria became the most important institution of religious learning in Christendom. Many prominent bishops from many areas of the world were instructed in that school under scholars such as Athenagoras, Clement, Didymus, and the great Origen, ...
Why is the mastaba important? For the comfort and well-being of the deceased, the burial chamber was filled with material goods and food offerings, and the walls were decorated with scenes of daily activities. The mastabas weredesigned to ensure the well-being of the deceased for all eternity...
(Pharaoh) was in the habit of resorting in the morning, either to perform his ablutions or his devotions, or both; as there is clear evidence that the Nile was anciently deified as the source of the fertility of the soil of Egypt, and that it had its appointed priests, festivals, and...
1789 A.D. Numerous Catholic priests and nuns (like these holy nuns from the Order of The Sisters of St. Joseph) were documented to have been executed by the Anti-Clerical French Revolutionaries masonic "movement" that the Reprobate Ratzinger (a.k.a. Antipope Benedict XVI) admires and ...
The Bible identifies three kinds of those sovereigns: prophets, high-priests and kings, and these three sovereign offices were marked by anointing. Any sovereign thinker always fits at least one of those three categories, and in Biblical terms is always an "Anointed", regardless of whether one ...