I've never been entirely convinced. He published it in the form of two floppy disks, at a time where floppy disks genuinely were floppy, and his approach was the same as the economists': sit down with a lawyer, get her to explain to you how it was she solved a legal problem, and ...
They were backing up data to 3 1/2 floppy disks, and when a new admin went to check on them, he found that the people doing this had no conception of how much data they had or how much would fit on a floppy. They had enough data to fill a stack of 20 or so floppies but some...
1970s:Tone and voice pagers were invented—after the tone, the pager relayed an audio message. This was a step forward from the tone-only pager because the recipient was immediately given more information, such as “Code Blue in ICU.” 1980:There were about3.2 million pager users worldwide,...
aThree people were walking along a street, first a big man, then a beautiful woman, and then an old man. The first two went round a corner. Suddenly the old man saw a piece of paper on the ground. Hepicked it up. The old man found it was five pounds. A few seconds (秒) later...
With hard disks in the terabytes andRAMmeasured in gigabytes,software developers often develop to the latest and greatest systems, or at least the current ones, providing as much functionality as they can into the future. Older, less capable machines are a shrinking market by definition, so it...
Alan Shugart invented the floppy disk drive at IBM in 1967. Anyone who used these drives remembers that they initially used an 8-inch disk, which was called a diskette as it got smaller. Sony was the last to manufacture floppy disks, ceasing production in 2011. You may also like: 100 ic...
November 19, 2024 Mastering Mac MDM: Best Practices for Managing Your macOS Fleet September 25, 2024 How to Future-Proof Your Archives: File Formats That Stand the Test of Time July 30, 2024 Get the latest from Backblaze straight to your inbox. ...
Alan Shugartinvented the floppy disk driveat IBM in 1967. Anyone who used these drives remembers that they initially used an 8-inch disk, which was called a diskette as it got smaller. Sony was the last to manufacture floppy disks,ceasing production in 2011. ...
It's called film; a write-once, read-many (WORM) medium. I made this shot on a Contax G2 with a 21mm Zeiss lens at f/8 on Fuji Velvia 50, which was processed and scanned at the same time at NCPS. The dynamic range is so great that the hellacious sunbursts you see are just...
Why Do We Celebrate Cinco de Mayo? Well, the day, itself, is to recognize the Mexican Army's victory over the French in the Battle of Puebla, which took place May 5th, 1862. In Mexico, it's called Battle of Puebla Day and is primarily celebrated in the region of Puebla. ...