Coloradowas one of the first states in the country to legalizemarijuanafor adults to use for medicinal and/or recreational purposes. Many other states have followed suit over the years, yet cannabis remains a Schedule I drug according to the United States Federal Drug Administration. Despite Being...
Uruguay – the first country in the world to officially legalize the production and sale of marijuana. Initiator of the law was the leadership of the State, headed by President Jose Mujica. According to authorities, a guarantee of success in Uruguay marijuana legalization should be state regulation...
Why Is Marijuana Banned? The Real Reasons Are Worse Than You Think - Waking TimesHarry Anslingerlegalize it
In all reasoning that i have been doing i do not see a reason to keep marijuana illegal. please tell me why it shouldn't be legalized.
It's now conceivable that marijuana could be legalized throughout more of the U.S., so we sought answers about who would profit from the end of its prohibition
ning - Waking Times Don’t Forget Why Marijuana Legalization Is Winning - Waking TimesDon’t Forget Why Marijuana Legalization Is Winning - Waking Timeslegalize it
“Well this aged poorly,”Wolking wrote. “I guess it wasn’t so helpful?”he said in another post. Weed advocates light up the scoreboard again as Ohio legalizes marijuana for adults There are now 24 states in the country where weed use is allowed for adults. ...
You could get out of your car in any parking lot in the Hudson Valley, look down and not see any trash. Now before you think I am advocating for you to walk around picking up other folks nasty cigarette butts let me back up a moment and explain why I think we can all make a ...
Why Some Marijuana Supporters Rejected Ohio Initiative to Legalize PotOhio voters decisively rejected the legalization of marijuana forboth medical and recreational...Warner, Kelsey
Why the War on Drugs Should Take Cues from Our Battle against Smoking (Posted 2015-12-30 02:09:50) ; Legalize Marijuana and Decriminalize Other Drugs, and Tax and Sue Their ProducersAllen, Danielle