Uruguay – the first country in the world to officially legalize the production and sale of marijuana. Initiator of the law was the leadership of the State, headed by President Jose Mujica. According to authorities, a guarantee of success in Uruguay marijuana legalization should be state regulation...
In all reasoning that i have been doing i do not see a reason to keep marijuana illegal. please tell me why it shouldn't be legalized.
Why Is Marijuana Banned? The Real Reasons Are Worse Than You Think - Waking TimesHarry Anslingerlegalize it
Why more U.S. states could legalize marijuana It's now conceivable that marijuana could be legalized throughout more of the U.S., so we sought answers about who would profit from the end of its prohibition Marijuana advocates scoredmajor victoriesat the polls in the U.S. November election....
The background:Ohio voters rejected a ballot question to legalize marijuana in 2015, in large part because the language of the amendment would have essentially handed over the industry to the campaign’s 10 wealthy donors. Because the measure is statutory and not a constitutional amendment, lawm...
ning - Waking Times Don’t Forget Why Marijuana Legalization Is Winning - Waking TimesDon’t Forget Why Marijuana Legalization Is Winning - Waking Timeslegalize it
Stories of children in need of marijuana were in the media all over the world. A young boy in England, who suffered from severe epilepsy was rushed to hospital after his medical marijuana oil had been confiscated. Shortly after the government issued cannabis oil licenses to a select few, incl...
A marijuana bud is prepared for customers at a Dutch Passion shop in Bangkok, Thailand, June 27, 2023.Sakchai Lalit/AP Even as more countries around the world legalize marijuana, Thailand has been the outlier in Asia, where several countries still have the death penalty for some cannabis offen...
Nasdaq-traded marijuana stocks are undervalued as investors remain skittish and the use of drugs produced by these biopharmaceutical companies have not been widely adopted.
GOLDIN: I don’t know if we’re going to go back. Something real has changed. And the real thing that has changed is that many firms — many, many firms, including us in academia — have realized that you don’t have to go to Tokyo to sign the M&A, and you don’t have to go...