Why we need ethics committees: this paper is one of a series of short papers on aspects of researchAnyone involved in healthcare research needs to be conversant with ethics committees and how they function. This article looks briefly at the historical ...
Microcredit Under the Microscope: What Have We Learned in the Last Two Decades, What do We Need to Know? Research on microfinance is now two decades old. There has been enormous progress in understanding both what it does and why. However a lot of we have lear... Abhijit,Vinayak,Banerjee...
Why Do We Need Sleep? Typed By: Miracle Taylor Regulating sleep is something our bodies do that is as natural as eating‚ drinking‚ and breathing. This implies that sleeping serves a similar role in our health and well being. Even though it is difficult to answer the question “Why do...
Science is a human enterprise and if we want to improve it, we must understand its human aspects. Unlike philosophy and sociology, and despite previous attempts to develop one, psychology has no dedicated approach to studying the scientific world. We need a ‘psychology of science’ — a ...
1 EthicsinPsychologyResearch Whyareethicsimportantin research? vManipulationsmaysubjectparticipantsto undesirableorevenharmfulexperiences vSomeexperimentsinvolvewithholding informationfromparticipants vThevariableswestudyareoftenprivate vInterventionstudiesoftenincludeacontrol condition vTheexperimenter/participantrelationship...
But a research shows that students who play sports do better in school than those who don’t. Sports help students show themselves better in study. Sports are good for students’ health. These days, some students spend too much time watching TV and playing video games. 2.But we need to ...
With such a rich backdrop of knowledge, engineers must embrace ethics in a way that previous generations embraced mathematics. Complex societal problems make much greater demands on engineering thinking than in the past. We need to consider whole andcomplex systems, not just issues a...
Gender is one of the most researched and contentious topics in consumer ethics research. It is common for researchers of gender studies to presume that women are more ethical than men because of their reputation for having a selfless, sensitive nature. Nevertheless, we found evidence that women ...
"Finally, we need to regain control over our personal data. For this, we need genuine informational self-determination. This would also have to apply to the digital twins of our body and our personality because they can be used to hack our health and our thinking—for good or for bad. ...
1 Understanding Why We Preserve Some Things and Discard Others in the Context of Interaction Design This paper takes up the problem of understanding why we preserve some things passionately and discard others without thought. We briefly report on the theoretical literature relating to this question, ...