Walter White becomes truly irredeemableafter spotting Jesse hiding in the wake of Hank's murder, as he realized Jesse had done the very thing Walt did with Jane - watching as someone dear to him died. Up until then, the true nature of Jane's death was a horrific event only Walt knew a...
Walt Disney Television via Getty Images Meet Uncle...Adam Cochran?! In the original pilot script, Danny's brother-in-law was named Adam Cochran. But John Stamos didn't like the name, so it was changed to Jesse Cochran. After season one, he exerted even more influence and had the last...
Walt Disney Television via Getty Images Meet Uncle...Adam Cochran?! In the original pilot script, Danny's brother-in-law was named Adam Cochran. But John Stamos didn't like the name, so it was changed to Jesse Cochran. After season one, he exerted even more influence and had the last...
Actor Ryan Reynolds was all in to help fledgling Aviation Gin get off the ground, and now it has taken off. Aviation Gin Jesse Grant/Getty Images for Aviation Gin Aviation Gin Behind the scenes at the American Music Awards was Aviation Gin. Dan Aykroyd and Crystal Head Vodka Alberto E. Ro...
including this particular official, who'd umpired the minor league games he managed. Pat didn't even know his dad was at the game, Lee having hidden beneath the bleachers, and Pat saw his beloved high school coach, Walt Przybylo, take charge and escort Lee off the court so the game co...
Mearsheimer & Walt’s book stands as testimony of the trouble North America has endured and still endures. The time has come for the Jews of North America to chose North America or Israel. We can not have both. As it undermines the fabric of freedom and humanity to favour Israel over th...
“And now Jesse’s here, and they’re here … and then bam!”4. Dadhood: 2014 Was a Bad Year for the Patriarchy, at Least on Film. Fathers real and surrogate had a rough time of it at the movies, as figures like “Whiplash‘s” tyrannical music teacher, “Foxcatcher‘s” psychotic...
When Ms. Celie said to Mistah, "Everything you done to me, already done to you." WAAAAAAH!!! Ugly. Cry. Amadeus The Saul Zaentz Company Amadeus I was in college when this movie came out and I was a music major, so of course I loved it. I was studying classical music at the ...
things tend to feel sluggish after a while. Even a heavily serialized show likeBreaking Badmade sure to tell recognizable and satisfying stories within the context of each hour, so that the audience never got tired of Walt vs. Gus, Walt vs. Jesse or whatever larger conflict was bei...
I got so fired up watching the episode last night because Jesse Williams just freaking killed it. His passion! I mean, his passion for all of this stuff shines through...I just kept thinking, like, how cool would this couple be? Him working from the position of havi...