Thomas E. RicksForeign Policy
From the Korean Peninsula to Afghanistan, war seems part and parcel of the history of America's global intervention, expansion and domination. The United States was indeed founded by means of violence, and war has become a staple ever since, either waged at home or abroad. Over nearly two a...
5.The lesson from the history story was that Afghanistan has always been the home of the bravest women in the world.He is telling his family this because they have to be brave.6.Because Father was educated in England.This means,there was really no reason to take Father but they just ...
Why was there a war in Sarajevo? Why did the Soviet Union invade Afghanistan? Why didn't the Ottomans invade Austria during the Napoloeonic Wars? Why were the Visigoths pushed into the Balkans? Why didn't Germany surrender before the Battle of Berlin?
Oilprice,beforethewar,wasabout15$perbarrell…原油價格在戰爭前每桶大約15塊美金...…butwiththeGulfWaritincreasedto42$perbarrel,generatinganextraprofitestimatedtobeatleast60Billions$ ...但隨著波斯灣戰爭每桶原油價格飆漲到42塊美金,這額外的利潤估計至少600億美金 Andwhogotthisprofit?那麼誰得到這些利益?In...
President in modern history, only with the exception of Donald Trump. Who could have thought? I mean, I covered the White House in Washington for six years when Biden was vice president, and to be honest, he struck me as a genuine, engaging and likable man. But reality...
Given that the Soviet Union fought in Afghanistan, why was it considered a proxy war? Why did Germany bomb Guernica? Why was Germany annoyed by imperialism? Why wasn't Nazi Germany a socialist nation? Why was there tension between the United States and the U.S.S.R. after...
rest—but most scholars agree Alexander was truly motivated by a desire to exceed the achievements of Cyrus, which meant reaching the Jaxartes and the Indus. The trouble was that the land of Afghanistan, then barely known to the Greeks, lay in between, with its forbidding terrain and climate...
“If there was a blind spot, I think it was less in believing Ukrainians wouldn’t fight and more about believing the Russian military was more capable than they turned out to be,” Mr. Schiff said. “如果说他们有盲点的话,我认为,与其说是相信了乌克兰人不会参战,不如说是相信了俄罗斯军队...
And why prolong the Ukraine war when you know this war is also lost? What is the point of this? And why do you label China as the main threat to world’s peace when they haven’t fought a war in more than four decades? And comparing it to the US, and ...