content of the tar sands of Canada could lead to a runaway climate, the economic pressure Canada is under to develop its tar sands regardless of negative environmental effects, and Avery's book "The Pipeline and the Paradigm: Keystone XL, Tar Sands, and the Battle to Defuse the Carbon ...
Top 10 Holdings: Canadian Natural Resources (CNQ.TO), SmartCentre REIT (SRU.UN), Enbridge (ENB.TO), Keyera (KEY.TO), Pembina Pipeline (PPL.TO), Power Copr (POW.TO), CIBC (CM.TO), Fiera Capital Corp (FSZ.TO), BCE Inc (BCE.TO), Great West LifeCo (GWO.TO). Holding Breakdown:...
CRM:Helps small businesses totally eliminate spreadsheets, inboxes, messengers, and sticky notes. Store all of your customer data, score leads based on how likely they are to buy, and manage their journey through your sales pipeline. I use my CRM to store personal info, score leads, keep no...
mostly purchased from Russia by pipeline, are less available and high-priced. Coal is also high-priced. Because of the fall of the Euro relative to the US dollar
Fed officials say the U.S. economy today is much stronger than it was during the previous periods when the central bank was removing policy accommodation. Officials want to make sure they have the leeway to respond to high inflation that is well above their 2% target. They’re also e...
Hell, for all I know, Suncor undoubtedly benefits from Canada’s self-imposed pipeline capacity shortage. Laurence Hunt May 12, 2020 at 1:12 am DOn’t get me started on Canada’s self-imposed everything! Em May 10, 2020 at 9:0...
Spotting a fellow who stood out from the rest of the crowd, I was moved to ask: "Might you be Ponderosa Pine?" It was an easy guess on my part. The fellow I was talking to seemed to be the only marcher who was barefoot. He was certainly the only one dressed in an outfit fashion...
When the bill failed as Grey Cloud had hoped, he offered the room a traditional song of peace. The measure, which would have authorized continuation of the Keystone XL Pipeline, fell one vote shy of approval. “That was a perfect song to sing for those leaders who stood for us and liste...
There are various ways of fixing the problem. Bringing less oil up from the Gulf would seem to be part of the solution. Conoco Phillips, one of the owners of the Seaway pipeline (and an owner of Midwest refineries), says it is not interested in reversing it. But lower prices by themsel...
Looking back, Otto remembers struggling to breathe when he was as young as four. Exertion would make him cough, and the coughing fits would go on and on. Growing up in a family of eight children in a village in northern Uganda, he would try to run and pl